Faith The Substance Of Things by Franklin Broomfield
The physical world operates by the spiritual world. Look at yourself your physical body operates by your spirit. When the spirit leaves the body it ceases to operate. The spirit world is eternal (everlasting)but the physical world is temporal (temperary or subject to change)(2Corinthians 4:18). So when the eternal comes against the temporal world the temporal has to give way to the eternal. And faith is the spiritual substance that brings the spiritual into the physical. See, faith is what gives substance to the spiritual in the physical world. And that spiritual force comes from the word of God, by hearing God's word (Romans 10:17).
Understand this that things you are trying to get faith for already exist. God said faith is the substance of things and a thing is only a thing when it exist. That thing exist in the spiritual realm. But as long as it stays spiritual only you don't benifit from it. Like your healing for instance it is spiritual. By whose stripes ye were healed is a spiritual reality. But that spiritual reality has to become a physical reality for it to benifit you. And faith is the substance that gives substance to that spiritual reality into a physical reality.
Faith is believing something is so without any physical proof. And a good example of that is the 10 lepers in Luke chapter 17 they believed Jesus words which are spiritual (John 6:63) over what they saw and felt in the physical. When Jesus sent them to the priest he was calling them healed. You only went to the priest after you've been healed for him to pronounce you clean. Believing the spiritual over the physical that's what faith is all about. Faith gave substance to this physical world. And it will continue to. Faith comes by hearing but when it comes it has to be released by speaking. When you believe you will speak (2Corinthians 4:13). God gave you his word to get his faith so that you can give substance to this physical world just as He did. That's why God made you in his image and likeness.
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